Doug HenrySenior Pastor
Pastor Doug has been at Leatherwood since September of 2005. Although Leatherwood was his first senior pastorate, he had gained valuable experience as a youth pastor at the Robertsdale Church of God in Robertsdale, PA and as a campus minister at Lock Haven University.
Doug went to Lock Haven University to be an elementary school teacher but felt the call to ministry when a friend asked him to help him out in ministry. Soon he found the best way to help the kids (and parents of the kids) was not in the classroom but in the church. After 3 years of teaching, he walked away to answer the call to ministry. Pastor Doug is married to Kimberly Henry and they have three children – Addison, Noah, and Owen.
Pastor Doug can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 814-221-0822

Kimberly HenrySecretary & Children's Church Leader
Kimberly Henry is our pastor’s wife and currently holds two staff positions. She is our Secretary and also our Children’s Church Leader. Kim gave her life to Christ at an early age and has been very involved in church activities all of her life. She has been attending Leatherwood Church since 2005 and has been on staff since 2007. Kim takes care of all major secretarial duties and teaches the prekindergarten- 4th grade class during children’s church each week. In addition to these staff positions, she is also a member of the worship team and Clarion County MOPS group.
Kim can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 814-745-3677.

Shawn HookWorship Leader
My name is Shawn Hook, and I am the Worship Leader here at Leatherwood Church. I live in Truitsburg, PA with my wonderful wife Misty, and our three girls, Elisabeth, Alaina, and Maelle. We have attended Leatherwood for 8 years, and I have been the Worship Leader for 5 years.

Ray “Tuff” ShreckengostYouth Leader
Ray joined the staff here at Leatherwood in the Fall of 2018. After running a successful barbeque restaurant in Hawthorn, he felt the call to ministry. He closed the restaurant down last fall and jumped head first into his call here at Leatherwood. Ray is married to Sara, and they have 5 children – Ray III, Max, Maggy, Grant and Talitha.

Sue JeffersTreasurer
Sue Jeffers is the Treasurer of the Leatherwood Church. Sue is married to Don Jeffers who is a retired minister. When Sue is traveling, Deby Males serves as the church treasurer.

Breanna HornbergerCustodian
Breanna is a hair dresser by day and takes care of the cleaning here at the church in her spare time. She grew up here at Leatherwood, and she has two children – Landon and Brielle.